The Vecslocene River, former lower of the Slocene River, flows out of the Kaņieris lake and flows into the Lielupe River. The greatest depth is only 1.1 m, while the average depth - 60 cm. This surroundings are featured by the sulphur springs that flow out to the surface and flows into the Sloka Lake, Vecslocene, Vēršupīte and their related water courses, ditches and lakes. Qualities of the source are evidenced already from a distance by the strong smell of rotten eggs. Here can be found especially protected species: sea naiad, horned pondweed, great fen-sedge, and bog myrtle, as well as several other rare species such as fat duckweed.
The Vecslocene is the historic continuation of the Slocene River. Aforetime the Slocene River flew along this riverbed further from Valguma and Kaņieru Lakes to Sloka Lake and the Lielupe. During drainage works of Kaņieris Lake which were initiated already in times of Kurzeme Duke Jacob and completed in the begining of 20th century a new riverbed was excavated – the Stariņupīte what directs the waters of Kaņieris Lake and Slocene River directly to the sea. The Vecslocene does not exist as a real river anymore. Currently the water supplies for Vecslocene are ensured from mainly from sources which flow out in the edge of Raganu swamp, so the old riverbed gradually is overgrowing.
The Vecslocene River, former lower of the Slocene River, flows out of the Kaņieris lake and flows into the Lielupe River. The greatest depth is only 1.1 m, while the average depth - 60 cm. This surroundings are featured by the sulphur springs that flow out to the surface and flows into the Sloka Lake, Vecslocene, Vēršupīte and their related water courses, ditches and lakes. Qualities of the source are evidenced already from a distance by the strong smell of rotten eggs. Here can be found especially protected species: sea naiad, horned pondweed, great fen-sedge, and bog myrtle, as well as several other rare species such as fat duckweed.
The Vecslocene is the historic continuation of the Slocene River. Aforetime the Slocene River flew along this riverbed further from Valguma and Kaņieru Lakes to Sloka Lake and the Lielupe. During drainage works of Kaņieris Lake which were initiated already in times of Kurzeme Duke Jacob and completed in the begining of 20th century a new riverbed was excavated – the Stariņupīte what directs the waters of Kaņieris Lake and Slocene River directly to the sea. The Vecslocene does not exist as a real river anymore. Currently the water supplies for Vecslocene are ensured from mainly from sources which flow out in the edge of Raganu swamp, so the old riverbed gradually is overgrowing.
Ķemeru ceļotāju diena 7.maijā kopā ar Jūras Laivām!
Dabas aizsardzības pārvaldes Pierīgas reģionālā administrācija sadarbībā ar Ķemeru nacionālā parka reģiona uzņēmējiem un pašvaldībām aicina arī 2016. gadā uz Ķemeru nacionālā parka Ceļotāju dienu 7. maijā.
Laivās apmeklēsim citkārt grūti sasniedzamas vietas – purvāju ar unikālu biotopu.
Starts pie Dumbrāja laipas (Meža Māja) (A). Laivosim pa Vēršupīti līdz Slokas ezeram. Vēršupītē jārēķinās ar kritušiem kokiem. Pirms Slokas ezera otra – Slokas ezera taka (vairāk par taku skat. DAP mājaslapā). Atliks laika arī no ūdens izpētīt Slokas ezera niedrāju labirintus un iebraukt Vecslocenē, un un finišēt īsi pirms Vecslocenes ietekas Lielupē (F).
Jāņem vērā, ka laivu brauciens pa Vēršupīti ikdienā no parku pārraugošo iestāžu puses NAV ATĻAUTS – šī ir iespēja vienreiz gadā, kas mums tiek dota Ķemeru Ceļotāju dienas ietvaros. Izmantojam!
Tiekamies Ķemeros pie “Meža mājas” pl.: 11:00.
Cena laivu nomai ar laivas transportu:
Vienvietīga laiva 26 €
divvietīga laiva 37 €
hidrotērpa noma 5 €